The Man, the Legend :)
After graduating from the Faculty of Law, my friends gave me the following record:
Cero, your supreme arbiter, the fastest Saloon revolver, the best skipper in the Balkans, the brightest bird in the sky, the most dangerous beast on land, the first racket of the old continent, a world-class computer master and the best underground DJ.
It’s always easier when others describe you and I believe friends know :) I’m really a man of a lot of interests, they also say talents. I want and strive to live by the following motto:
Always smile. Our faces are the best billboards, where the ads of life are seen. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed ....
(If only it could always be that easy)
I am a father in the first place, then a sailor, a golfer, a "former" tennis player :), a photo and video enthusiast, a fan of entertainment techniques, a hedonist and someone who can't do without travel.
If you find this page as helpful as a book you might have had to buy or a workshop you may have had to take, feel free to help me continue helping everyone. If you've gotten your information or solutions trough one of my links or you found help otherwise, you're family. It's great people like you who allow me to keep adding to this site. Thanks!
If you haven't helped yet, please do, and consider "buying me a beer" as a gift :) Thank you!
A Beer for me :)